Campaign Heads into the Home Stretch
Taking stock as the ambitious campaign nears completion.
It has been a busy year for the staff and volunteers who are working on the Campaign for Ithaca College: Making a World of Difference. Dozens of events around the country have brought people together to learn about the campaign priorities — scholarships, academic development, student housing, the athletics and events center, and the School of Business building — and all that’s going on at IC today.
In the following pages we highlight just a few of the many people who have made a world of difference through their campaign participation. A new culture of philanthropy and active volunteerism is taking root on South Hill, and that means good things for IC students now and in the years to come.
Won’t you join them? The campaign is drawing to a close, but it’s not too late to add your contribution to this important and historic effort, and make a world of difference in the lives of IC students yourself.
Visit the Campaign site to learn more and make a donation today.