The Ithaca Fund and Kevin Giroux, M.M. '02
“I attended Ithaca College in the summer program for my graduate degree in music education, so I never experienced ‘real’ IC life during the school year,” says Kevin Giroux.
Despite not having lived the “real” undergraduate school life, Kevin has loyalty to and pride in Ithaca College as real as any student who lived on campus for four years. “The faculty are top-notch, and I speak often about how wonderful the program is,” Kevin says. “I recommend it. I formed a special bond with many IC music faculty. I often see them at various conferences and have had a couple of them come to my county to be guest conductors for music festivals.”
Kevin is an educator at Tri-Valley Central School in Grahamsville, New York, where he teaches chorus and gives voice lessons for students in grades 7 through 12, as well as teaching seventh-grade general music and a hand chime class.
His gratitude for the quality of education he received at Ithaca prompted him to make a $500 gift to the Ithaca Fund for Music. “I wanted to give back to the program that helped me grow so much as a music educator. I truly believe that what the music faculty are doing is important, and I’m very proud that I graduated from the program.”
No matter your age, and no matter how established you are in your career, you can support the Ithaca Fund, like Kevin Giroux. In fact, the campaign depends on support of first-time donors as well as those who have supported the College for years. To join Kevin’s efforts and contribute to the Ithaca Fund, visit and click on “Give to Campaign” at the left, then check “Ithaca Fund.”