
First Generation Center Established

From financial aid and course registration to unusual terminology, like bursar and registrar, the college experience can be intimidating and difficult to navigate. It’s even harder for first-generation students, who may not have college graduates in their families to whom they can turn for guidance and advice. New and expanded programming at Ithaca College aims to support first-gen students throughout their time on campus.

The First Generation Center is supported by a fund established by the chair of the Ithaca College Board of Trustees, Dave Lissy ’87, and his wife Suzanne Lissy ’88, through the Lissy Family Foundation. Among the programming offered by the center is the FIRST Look pre-orientation program, FIRST Place residential learning community, and year-round programming focused on academic preparedness and time management, as well as a lecture series and leadership development opportunities.

IC’s efforts to assist first-gen students have already earned plaudits, as the college was recently designated a “first forward” institution by the Center for FirstGeneration Student Success. The First Forward program recognizes institutions of higher education that have demonstrated a commitment to improving experiences and advancing outcomes of first-generation college students.