Trip to Casino Niagara and Niagara Falls


Contributed by Andrejs Ozolins

We need 10 more passengers for this bus trip to go on Sunday, March 9. Monday is a holiday for most of the College employees. Enjoy a day at the casino or just a walk to Niagara Falls.

Cost: $25.00 for the bus ride, which will include $15.00 in coin vouchers to spend at the casino. This may be your lucky day.

Enjoy a great, confortable bus ride to the Casino Niagara and leave the driving to the bus driver. Enjoy a movie on the way up and a movie on the return trip. There will be a stop on the way to the casino for a hot breakfast.

The bus leaves IC O-lot at 7:00 a.m. and arrives at the Casino and Niagara Falls at 11:15 a.m.

Departure from the Casino Niagara is at 5:00 p.m. with a dinner stop on the return.

What a fun day -- the trip is open to all family and friends of all Ithaca College employees. To get into the casino everyone must be 19 years of age. Everyone going to cross the border will need to show me a passport or birth certificate and a picture ID. Come join the trip, a fun trip for everyone and a great start of spring break.

Contact Sue Vrzal 274-3133 work or home 277-0226

Just call me to sign up--- all interested need to contact me by 10:00 a.m.