Meeting with Bigayla


Contributed by Elizabeth Brunelle

Dear faculty, staff, and administrators,

Once again, BiGayLA would like to apologize for the inconvenience we might have caused any of you by canceling our last brown bag lunch.

Faculty, staff, and administration input is very important to us. Therefore, you are cordially invited to a brown bag luncheon, take two. The entire BiGayLA executive board will be there, and we want you there as well. This brown bag luncheon will take place March 18, 2003 from 12:05 until 1:00 pm in Hill 53.

The executive board of BiGayLA is seeking input and ideas from the faculty, staff, and administrators of Ithaca College. We wish to provide increasingly diverse services to all members of the Ithaca College community as well as incorporate the College's administration in BiGayLA events and workshops.

Please bring lunch if you wish; cookies and beverages are provided. Even if you need to arrive late or leave early, you are welcome. If you are unable to attend, please pass on any suggestions or comments to Beth Brunelle, BiGayLa advisor.

E-mail Beth Brunelle
Phone 274-3290 Thank you. The BiGayLA Executive Board