Call for Proposals


Contributed by Eileen Jacobs

New Initiatives Fund Proposals Due by April 22

Members of the IC campus community are invited to submit proposals for the next round of review for the New Initiatives Fund.

The Ithaca College Board of Trustees approved the establishment of this special three-year "New Initiatives Fund" in 2002. The fund will support initiatives from faculty, staff, and students that:

Proposals that include or address more than one division/ department/ school, or demonstrate collaboration across campus constituencies and/or between the College and the broader community are particularly encouraged.

Twenty proposals were received by the review committee for the first round, with seven approved for funding:

Proposals will be funded for one year, except in the case of entrepreneurial ventures where a two-year timeframe may be advisable.

Please note, on-going personnel and large capital equipment are not available for consideration.

Proposal forms are now available in the Office of the President and should be submitted by April 22, 2003 for consideration.

Contributed by Michael McGreevey