TIAA/CREF Seminars


Contributed by Margaret Dillingham

Please join us on April 1 and April 3 for informational sessions presented by TIAA/CREF. The topic will be "Staying on Track in a Market Downturn."

The sessions will be held in Room 115 at the Administration Annex at noon and 3:00 pm on April 1, 2003. Another session on the same topic will take place on April 3 at 9:00 am. The sessions will last about an hour. Refreshments will be served. RSVP to 4-3245.

Future sessions and topics:


12-1 pm and 3-4 pm

Planning Ahead for Retirement


9-10 am

Planning Ahead for Retirement


12-1 pm and 3-4 pm

Save on Taxes, Save for Retirement
-- how to save for retirement and lower taxable income at the same time.



Web site Instruction
-- about the TIAA/CREF website and all the information and calculators it provides for participants

Contributed by M. Dillingham