2003 Employee Recognition


Contributed by Deborah Merriman

Our annual recognition celebration is scheduled for Thursday, April 3, 2003, beginning at noon, in the Emerson Suites. The annual celebration honors dedicated faculty, staff, and administrators who have completed 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35 years of service as well those employees who have retired or are retiring during the 2002-2003 fiscal year.

Those being honored at this year's event have reached an anniversary or retired between June 1, 2002 and May 31, 2003. Invitations and notification for this year's event have been sent. We look forward to seeing recipients and their department chairs, directors, and other supervisors at this year's event!

For additional information, please contact Debbie Fitzpatrick, benefits coordinator, at 4-3245. Questions about eligibility or suggestions for future events should be directed to Marty Turnbull, director of human resources.

Martha A. Turnbull

