Important -- Commencement Week Information
Dear faculty, staff, and administrators:
This letter outlines the process for registering students to remain in the
residence halls for senior week. All this information can also be found on the Residential
Life website
As May approaches, we in the Office of Residential Life are again working on the coordination of student and family housing for Commencement week 2003. Since all campus residents except graduating seniors are required to vacate their rooms on May 10, please complete the form to indicate students you need to have stay beyond that date for assistance with commencement-related activities. The deadline for requests is Friday, April 18, 2003.
As you may know, the number of requests by departments for commencement week housing for underclass volunteers and employees has risen each year. These requests continue to tax our ability to provide all the housing necessary for graduating seniors and their guests. Please request housing only for those students who must work for you during commencement week on commencement-related activities. Students who need to stay to finish course work or to begin summer assignments must seek off-campus accommodations after May 10.
Students remaining on campus for Commencement week will not be required to be on a meal plan. Please be sure to share with your students that meal plans will only be automatically extended for students asked to stay by the Commencement Committee. (See the meal policy on the link below for further information.) If, however, your department is covering the students' meal plans, you will need to provide an account number with the students' names.
Please keep in mind each of the following:
Lastly, there will be a limited amount of on-campus housing available to continuing Ithaca College students who will work full time for Ithaca College during the summer. This housing will be offered beginning May 18. More information about summer housing for student workers is available in the residential life office, and space is available on a first-come, first-served basis.
We are all striving to provide the highest quality Commencement ceremony possible, and I know student employees and volunteers are critical in our effort. Thank you in advance for being sensitive to our housing limitations during this important week. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Grant E. Wilder
Area Coordinator
Contributed by Grant Wilder