Partnership in Teaching Program


Contributed by Alice Rockey

Have you heard about Ithaca's Partnership in Teaching Program through the Center for Teacher Education? The Partnership in Teaching Program is a vehicle for making connections between people at Ithaca College and local public schools of surrounding communities. At the core of the program are the Ithaca College faculty and staff who have volunteered to give their time and expertise in support of area schools.

Through Judge James J. Clynes Jr. study grants, the program also makes available modest grants-in-aid to teams of College faculty and public school teachers for materials to support their study-such as books, videos, software, and similar items. The maximum grant for study groups is $500.

Each year, the Center for Teacher Education publishes and distributes a registry of Ithaca "partners," listing areas of expertise and indicating the type of presentations available to public schools and we invite Ithaca faculty and staff to participate.

If you are interested in participating, please contact Alice Rockey in the Center for Teacher Education by April 15.

For additional information about the Partnership in Teaching program and to view current listings, visit our website, Partnership in Teaching

Contributed by Timothy Glander