End of the Semester Email Clean-up


Contributed by Michelle Hammond

Just a reminder, as you are finishing up the semester -- please clean up your Ithaca College e-mail account.

When cleaning up your account, we recommend you:

  1. Check your Sent folder and delete any messages you don't need.
  2. Check your message file size and either delete large files or save them to your network storage space (Memphis or Pulsar) or your hard drive.
  3. Check your accounts for "copies" of e-mail messages forwarded to other e-mail accounts. If you don't need these copies, delete them.
  4. Delete any "spam" e-mail that you may have received through the semester.
  5. Check your IC account, even if you never use it. All official Ithaca College e-mail is sent to this account. So, even if you never use it, you probably have mail in it. The Helpdesk can assist you in getting into your account to see what you've missed!
  6. Open the trash folder and empty the trash.

For assistance with the Ithaca College e-mail system, please refer to the Faculty and Staff E-mail Quick Guide or contact the Helpdesk, 274-3282.

Thank you for cleaning up your account on a regular basis.

Contributed by ACCS

