Open Keynote at Summer Institute


Contributed by Judith Dresser

We are pleased to invite all members of the campus community to the keynote address by Ronald A. Williams at the Summer Faculty Institute on Multicultural Teaching and Curriculum Transformation.

Please join the speaker for continental breakfast on Monday, May 19, at 9:00 a.m. in the Clark Lounge of the Campus Center, followed by his presentation, Greater Expectations: A New Vision for Learning as a Nation Goes to College.

Ron Williams is the president of Prince Georges Community College and is very active in the Association of American Colleges and Universities. He is one of the authors of the most recent AAC&U report, Greater Expectations, and that will form the context for his remarks. The report can be viewed at

We plan to organize one or more follow-up presentations in the fall, in order that participants in the full institute can share with others in the campus community. Susanne Morgan will organize that -- watch for announcements.

Please notify Laurie Wasik by May 12 if you plan to attend, so that we may plan for food and seating.

Contributed by Peter Bardaglio