Thanks to all Participants
Contributed by Michael A Pagliarulo
On April 16, Ithaca College hosted the fifth annual Take a Child to Work Day, an event organized in conjunction with the Ms Foundation's "Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work"® Day. Over 30 children and 20 adults attended this year's exciting program. On behalf of the organizing committee, we would like to extend our thanks to you for creating a successful program this year.
Special thanks are extended to the following individuals and departments
- President Peggy Williams -- for the keynote speech welcoming all participants
- Chris Wheatley , Roy H. Park School of Communications -- for the terrific radio station tours
- Lilly Westbrook, theater department -- for the fun and lively theater tour
- Karen Gorewit, trading room manager, School of Business, and students -- for arranging the trading room tour
- Cindy Scheibe, psychology -- for her presentation on mass media
- Frank Micale, manager, Wellness Center -- for the hands-on fitness tests
- Occupational Therapy – for their presentation about the creative, fun, and therapeutic profession of OT
- John Bradac and staff, career services -- for the job interview session
- Brad Buchanan, recreational sports -- for the Fitness Center events
- Campus Safety -- for the donation of bike helmets that were raffled off to two lucky participants
- Campus Bookstore, Michael Bovi and staff -- for the donation of notebooks, pencils, and lanyards that were handed out to all the children
- Marty Turnbull, human resources -- for their generous financial support
We greatly appreciate all the support from everyone who participated in making this day a great success. Thank you very much !
Take a Child to Work Day Organizing Committee:
Randi Millman-Brown, Art History
Jo Anne Rosato, Career Services
Judith Andrew, Library
Bonnie Prunty, Residential Life
Nancy Pierce, Biology
Laurie Kern, Alumni Hall
Contributed by Randi Millman-Brown