Ithaca College-Ithaca Fire Department Wellness Partnership


Contributed by Suzanne Connolly

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Thirteen members of the Ithaca College-Ithaca Fire Department Wellness Partnership competed in the Ithaca YMCA triathlon on May 4. This was the first time members of the Ithaca Fire Department participated in an event of this kind and is testament to both the success and continued enthusiasm for this wellness initiative.

Bei Dao, photo c. Ann Arbor
Firefighters' group
For the past year Ithaca College had provided a comprehensive fitness evaluation and exercise prescription for IFD members through the Robert R. Colbert, Sr. Wellness Clinic and the Department of Exercise and Sports Sciences. The partnership has not only benefited Ithaca Fire Department members but also Ithaca College students who have been actively involved in all aspects of the program by putting into practice that which they have learned in the classroom.

You can check out more about the Ithaca College-Ithaca Fire Department Wellness Partnership at the Ithaca Firefighters Homepage.

Contributed by Suzanne Connolly