Newswatch 16 Wins AP Award


Contributed by Eloise Greene

Left to right: Riemer, Saperstone, Busa, and Aurand
Left to right: Riemer, Saperstone, Busa, Aurand
In a competition that pitted Ithaca College’s student TV newscast against professional newscasts, a Newswatch 16 production was declared "Best regularly scheduled local news program" among small market New York stations. The New York State Associated Press Broadcasters Association presented its annual television and radio journalism awards June 21 in Saratoga Springs.

While ICTV’s news productions have won in college competitions for many years, this is the first time that Newswatch has successfully competed against commercial stations, and the first time the New York State Associated Press Broadcasters Association has selected a college production for a top newscast award. The judges commented:

"We realize this may upset the upstate New York applecart, but these anchors are poised beyond their years. Creative stories, balanced anchors, good use of graphics, good newscast."

Attending the banquet were ICTV’s 2002 news director Jeff Saperstone ’03, and Newswatch staff Emily Riemer ’03, Peter Busa ’05 and Adam Aurand ’04. News departments in the small market class include Binghamton, Watertown, Utica, Elmira, and Plattsburgh.

Contributed by Eloise Greene