New Opening Weekend Program


Contributed by Darese Doskal-Scaffido

The Office of Residential Life is seeking the assistance of faculty and staff with a new opening weekend program. The IC PIECES (Providing Ithaca Experiences Connecting Every Student) Program has been created to try to connect new students to each other and to the Ithaca College community.

It will take place on Sunday, August 24, from 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. The program will involve students in activities such as learning to sing the alma mater, games involving IC history and information on famous alumni, and creating a class banner to be displayed at Convocation, class events throughout their time at IC, and later at class reunions. We hope this program will help to create a new tradition for students in their class banner and we are even tying it in with the summer reading program. Bill Heh, class of 2003, will be opening the program with some fun and magic.

We are looking for staff and faculty interested in participating in this event by serving as group leaders. Leaders would work with a group of 8 students, taking them between the various activities and facilitating their introductions through some provided questions. Additionally, we are looking for a few individuals who enjoy singing and would be interested in helping new students learn the alma mater.

If you are interested in helping in either capacity, please contact Darese Doskal-Scaffido, 274-3141.

This program is sponsored by the Offices of Residential Life and Judicial Affairs with the assistance and cooperation of the Division of Student Affairs and Campus Life, the Office of First Year Programs and Orientation, and the Offices of Alumni Relations and Development.

Contributed by Darese Doskal-Scaffido