Participate in the Recycling Program
Contributed by Mark Darling
I am writing to ask you for your cooperation in transforming a waste into a resource by choosing to recycle your discarded paper.
Please remember that the recycling bin in your office is only for recycling paper. Putting only paper in this bin is essential to the success of our recycling program.
Recycle only:
- white or colored paper
- copier bond
- computer printout
- letterhead
- typing paper
- opened mail
- fax paper
- catalogs
- magazines
- brochures
- flyers
- posters
- non-metallic wrapping paper
- greeting cards
- manila folders
- envelopes
- phone books
- soft cover books
- newspaper
It is the cooperation of the entire College community that makes our recycling program successful.
This year marks the 14th year that Ithaca College has been recycling paper from offices across campus. From June 2002 until May 2003, Facility Services' employees collected 209 tons of paper for recycling. That means we have reduced by 3,500 the number of trees needed to produce paper. We have not used, and possibly not polluted, over five million gallons of water. We also saved the College $12,000 in disposal fees by recycling our paper and received $4,000 for selling our recycled paper, which will be used to offset the cost of disposing of trash. This means fewer budget dollars have to go to pay for taking out the trash and more dollars for educating students.
Our recycling program is easy to use with desk-side bins for paper and other collection stations located conveniently across campus. Choose to recycle and your impact will be positive.
More information is available about the College's recycling program on the web at Resource and Environmental Management Program or the Recycling Information Line, 274-1777.
Mark Darling
Recycling/Resource Management Program Coordinator