Coordinator of Academic Achievement and Advising Services Appointed


Contributed by David Dresser

Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Peter Bardaglio has announced the appointment of David Dresser, former associate dean of Health Sciences and Human Performance, to a new, part-time position as coordinator of Academic Achievement and Advising (AAA) Services.

Dresser will report to Assistant Provost Tanya Saunders and will continue to chair the newly-formed, all-College Academic Achievement and Advising ("Triple A") Committee. Like the American Automobile Association, the AAA Committee seeks to provide "maps" to help students navigate the College and "towing services" for students who need tutoring or other assistance.

This 16-member committee of faculty, staff, and students consists primarily of representatives of those offices that provide academic support services for students. With the help of a New Initiatives Fund grant from the Office of the President, the committee is constructing a College website that will describe the work of some 29 offices that provide AAA services for Ithaca College students. The website will provide the campus location and telephone number of each service, as well as the name and e-mail address of one or more contact persons. With the help of another New Initiatives Fund grant, members of the committee, in teams of two, will be visiting a number of colleges and universities with exemplary programs of academic assistance and advising to see how their services are offered and organized.

Dresser's new office is in 126 Williams Hall, the first door on the right as you enter the northwest (Chapel/greenhouse) entrance to the building. His new telephone number is 274-1852, and he takes voice mail. His e-mail address remains Please contact him if you have any ideas for the Triple A Committee. He looks forward to working with faculty, staff, and students in the development of academic achievement and advising services at Ithaca.

The sign on his door says, "No go? Need a tow? Come see Dr. D."

Contributed by David Dresser