Completed College Circle Apartments Now Open


Contributed by Mary Anne Steinmetz

Ithaca College is proud to announce that the second phase of the College Circle apartment complex is now officially open.

In the past year, Ithaca College officially began housing 354 students at the complex. Over this next year, an additional 340 students will begin living at the Circle apartments. When fully occupied, 694 Ithaca College students will call the apartments "home." Ithaca College has entered into a long-term lease arrangement with Integrated Acquisition and Development Corporation to provide this attractive apartment-style housing option for our students.

In addition, a beautiful community center has been built on site to provide residents with a location for socializing, programs, and providing support services (including laundry, mail, vending, a fitness center, and a recreation room). Offices for Residential Life and Public Safety also are located in the community center.

Additionally, this summer, the connector road between the Ithaca College campus and the Circle apartments was paved in order to provide more convenient vehicular access for students and guests traveling to and from the complex.

The College Circle apartments have become a very popular and attractive housing option for students who wish to reside in apartment-style housing, still remain on campus, have access to all the support services provided by the College, and yet be somewhat removed from the core of campus. The long-term lease arrangement with IAD has allowed Ithaca College to meet the housing needs of our students without using College capital resources for construction of these facilities.

Building this attractive apartment complex in this location has enabled the College to preserve the use of space closer to the core of campus for future academic and other support service facilities.

Contributed by Brian McAree