To support our goal of enhancing teaching and learning, the library has revised its circulation policies for the 2003-2004 academic year. We will be reviewing these policies throughout the year and welcome comments and suggestions.
Our circulation policies are designed to promote and support equitable and timely access to library materials for research, teaching, and lifelong learning.
All faculty, administrators, staff, and students will have the same loan periods. Books and scores circulate for one semester and are due on the last day of final exams. Popular reading books circulate for four weeks. Multimedia materials circulate for three days. We encourage faculty members to place multimedia items needed for class use on multimedia reserve and to notify multimedia services at least two weeks in advance to reserve materials for in-class use. Reserve materials may be borrowed for use in the library for three hours. Faculty members may request a loan extension and out-of-library use of reserve materials for their classes.
As we implement these changes over the next week, we will update all charged materials to reflect the new policy. If you have charged materials, you will receive a list of titles and the new due dates. Two weeks before the end of the semester, all faculty, administrators and staff will receive a reminder notice containing a list of any items charged out to their accounts. They will be asked to review this information for accuracy; return any items that they are no longer using; and request renewals for materials that are still needed. This information can also be reviewed at anytime via the "patron" option in the library catalog.
Materials that remain overdue two months after the end-of-semester due date will be replaced by the library using funds from departmental library allocations.
For more information, please consult our Circulation Policy or contact