Teaching Workshops Offered


Contributed by Susanne Morgan

Two workshops this week feature new ways to think about our courses and our assessment and testing practices. If you are already moving forward in these areas or are interested in finding out more, stop by.

  • Learning-Centered Course Design -- Susanne Morgan and guests.
    Tuesday, September 9, 12:10-1:00 p.m. Klingenstein Lounge, Campus Center. Coffee, fruit, and cookies provided. Bring your lunch if you wish.

  • Assessing Student Work -- Susanne Morgan and guests.
    Thursday, September 11, 12:10-1:00 p.m. Clark Lounge, Campus Center. Coffee, fruit, and cookies provided. Bring your lunch if you wish.

  • Information on other workshops can be found at Center for Faculty Excellence.

    Contributed by Susanne Morgan

