On Wednesday, September 10, from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m., the entire Ithaca College community is cordially invited to the open house and ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate the completion of the Ithaca College Circle Apartments project.
The open house will be held at the new community building in the center of the complex. The ribbon-cutting ceremony to officially open the Phase II portion of the complex will take place in front of the community building at about 3:30 p.m. President Peggy Williams and others involved in this important endeavor will offer brief remarks.
Refreshments and apartment tours will be offered.
Because parking at the Ithaca College Circle Apartments is limited, we are asking the College community to observe the following:
Free shuttle service to the Ithaca College Circle Apartments will be offered. If you are not already parked in a staff lot, guest parking for this event will be offered in the campus visitor lot or at the special events parking area in the lower Axiohm parking area (watch for the signs on 96B). Shuttle service to the Ithaca College Circle Apartments will be offered from Textor circle and from the two visitor parking lots starting at 2:45 p.m. and returning throughout the open-house period, continuing until shortly after 5:00 p.m.
If you require special parking access or other accommodation, please call Marian Brown at 274-3787.
Contributed by Marian Brown