Meet, Greet, and Learn with CFE
Contributed by Susanne Morgan
A workshop on using Degree Navigator in advising, a chance to meet our new College librarian, and a conversation about new instructional support services with Information Technology Services are the regularly scheduled faculty development events of the week for the Center for Faculty Excellence. In addition, we have two special workshops connected to the "Engaging Democracy and Troubling the Waters" series.
- Tuesday, September 16, 12:10-1:00 p.m.:
"Orientation To Advising With Degree Navigator," Lorie Holmes-VanDusen, assistant registrar. Room 319, Gannett (library computer classroom: no food!)
- Wednesday, September 17, 10:00 a.m.:
Coffee and chat with Lisa Chabot, our new College librarian, at the weekly coffee in the McDonald Lounge. Plan to drop by even if you don't have much time -- the coffee is pretty good and the people are great.
- Thursday, September 18, 12:10-1:00 p.m.:
New services from Instructional Support Services. Room 319, Gannett (library computer classroom: no food!)
As always, see the Center for Faculty Excellence website for more information.
Contributed by Susanne Morgan