Senior Class Officers to Recruit Cabinet Members


Contributed by Deborah Mohlenhoff

On September 17, the senior class executive board is making applications available to all seniors interested in joining the senior class cabinet for the class of 2004. There will be seven committee chair positions offered to make up the cabinet.

We are looking for chairs for AD/PR, fundraising, office liaison, community service, happy hours, Senior Week, and a webmaster.

The descriptions and responsibilities of each position will be explained on the application. Applications will be available starting 9/17 and are due on 9/24. They can be picked up and returned in the Student Activities Center on the third floor of the Campus Center.

If possible, please announce this opportunity in class if you are currently teaching a class of primarily seniors. We are asking you to announce this because as students, we know first hand that professors words are extremely influential.

Thank you very much!
The Senior Class Executive Board

Contributed by Samantha Barber