New Major and Minor in Culture and Communication in Division of Interdisciplinary Studies


Contributed by Patricia Zimmermann

The new interdisciplinary culture and communication BA degree program is now accepting majors and minors.

Program Description

Have you ever wondered if there is more to communications than celluloid, TV screens, DVDs, computer games, and e-mail? Are you curious as to how the images, stories, songs, organizations, media, and technologies created by different global communities can define a culture? Do you want a broad overview of culture and communication in a myriad of forms, both seen and unseen? If so, our BA in culture and communication may be the right major for you.

The major makes connections between two interlinked intellectual areas: the study of how culture informs and shapes all aspects of communication and its corollary area of investigation, how communication is the process through which culture is created, modified, and challenged. To explore these dynamic relationships, you'll study culture and communication from a wide variety of intellectual perspectives from across all six schools and divisions at the College.

This unique interdisciplinary program draws from the curricula and faculties in the departments of Speech Communication, Television-Radio, Cinema and Photography, and Organizational Communication, Learning, and Design. Majors must complete six core courses including one foundation course for each area of inquiry, satisfy the requirements for a minor in a complementary field, achieve foreign language proficiency, and complete the full requirements of one of four areas of inquiry. Areas of inquiry include: Visual and Cinema Studies, International/Intercultural Communication, Media and Cultural Studies, and Organizational Culture and Technology. In addition to your work in the four foundation areas, you'll select liberal arts courses from a wide range of areas, including English, art history, theater arts, Web development, sociology, music, politics, modern languages and literature, business, and health policy studies.

As a culture and communication student, you'll build an interdisciplinary intellectual framework that forges connections between a variety of ways to study culture and a diversity of communication forms, practices, and organizations. This multidisciplinary curriculum provides students a host of diverse and easily transferable conceptual skills in critical thinking, analytical writing, and research methods across the humanities and social sciences. The major and minor not only offer preparation to enter an increasingly complex global culture, but open a wide, flexible range of opportunities not limited to one communications enterprise or postgraduate area of study. The culture and communication program emphasizes intellectual agility and life-long learning skills required for success in a constantly changing world. It's oriented for jobs of the future, not of the past.

Students officially registered for the major or minor in Culture and Communication will have seats reserved in spring course offerings in the core and foundation areas required for the program.

For further information, contact Patricia R. Zimmermann, coordinator, culture and communications, Division of Interdisciplinary Studies, Park 350.

Contributed by Patricia Zimmermann