Family Weekend Intramural Golf Tournament


Contributed by Kathy Farley

Hillendale Golf Course
Saturday, October 11

  • 9:30-10:00 a.m., nine-hole tee time -- $20.00 for 9 holes with cart
  • 11:00 a.m., shotgun start, 18-hole tournament -- $42.00 for 18 holes, cart, and steak or chicken dinner
  • Both tournaments will play a captain and mate format. Team may be co-rec, all male or all female. Each person must have his or her own clubs -- rentals are available at the golf course.

    Entry forms and payment are due Tuesday, September 30, by 5:00 p.m. Please make checks payable to "Ithaca College" and return entry forms to the Fitness Center main office.

    For more information or if you would like a faxed copy of the entry form, please contact Kathy Farley, 274-3294, or stop by the main office of the Fitness Center.

    Contributed by Kathy Farley