The Community Service Committee is composed of faculty, staff, and students who are interested in being involved in the organization and execution of campuswide community service activities.
The main thrust of the group is to plan the annual Celebration of Service and all activities connected to it. This group also works on the annual Share the Warmth campaign, Make a Difference Day, and assists in any way with the service efforts of the College's community service program. This year we hope to expand the Polar Plunge as well as explore a new format for the Celebration of Service.
All are invited to attend our meetings, which will be conducted on every other Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. The first meeting will be on September 24 in the Campus Center seminar room. If you are not able to attend but interested in serving on this campuswide committee, please contact Deborah Mohlenhoff, 274-1380.
Thank you for your interest.
Contributed by Deborah Mohlenhoff