CSCRE Fall Faculty Fellow Ginetta Candelario to Speak


Contributed by Mel Ginsberg-Stevens

The Center for the Study of Culture, Race, and Ethnicity (CSCRE), in conjunction with the Office of Multicultural Affairs, and the Office of the Provost presents the 2003 Fall Faculty Fellows Workshop and Lecture Series, "Indigenous Cultures and Communities."

Ginetta Candelario is assistant professor in sociology and Latin America and Latina/o studies and a member of the women's studies program committee at Smith College.

Her research interests include Dominican communities and identity formations, race and ethnicity in the Americas, beauty culture, Latina/o communities and identity formations, museum studies, and Latin American and Latina feminisms.

This lecture is based on Ginetta Candelario's forthcoming book. In it she will present a summary of her three-part study exploring the relationship between historically state- and elite-sponsored narratives of Dominican identity formations and Dominican identity displays and formations in New York City and Washington, D.C. The centerpieces of the study are an ethnography of a Dominican beauty shop and the community and life histories of Dominicans who participated in the Anacostia Museum's 1995 exhibit, "The Black Mosaic."

For more information contact Mel Ginsberg, 274-1056

Contributed by Mel Ginsberg