IC Catholic Ministry Receives National Recognition


Contributed by Paula Davis

The outreach program of Ithaca College's Catholic Community has been selected as one of the top seven exemplary campus ministry programs across the country. It will be showcased in November at the 2003 Campus Ministry Bishops' Reception in Washington, D.C.

IC's program is being recognized by the Catholic Campus Ministry Association, the National Association of Diocesan Directors of Campus Ministry, and the National Catholic Student Coalition. Mary Humenay, IC Catholic chaplain, and Matthew Camporese (H&S '05), will attend the reception at the annual conference of U.S. Catholic bishops to showcase the Ithaca campus program as a model of excellence to over 100 bishops.

A core of 12 Catholic IC students planned and implemented the award-winning outreach program, which centered around the theme "I Am Catholic, But…" and focused on three major issues that may have caused students to turn away from the church: a lack of understanding of the Mass; a perceived bigotry against gay Catholics; and confusion over the role of women in the church. The three programs were presented over the 2002-03 academic year and attracted a broad audience from both the campus and area communities.

The outreach committee is making plans for similar presentations during this current year, including one entitled "The Urge to Merge," which will feature faculty from the disciplines of health, psychology, biology, and religion discussing their particular field's views on sex through a Catholic context.

The Ithaca College Catholic community offers services and programs for the campus community, of which about 2,000 students have self-identified as Roman Catholic.

For more information, contact Catholic chaplains Mary Humenay or Rev. Scott Kubinski.

Contributed by Paula Davis

