New Rates for Vehicle Rental and Fuel Chargebacks


Contributed by Richard Couture

Effective October 20, 2003, the rates for renting College fleet vehicles, as well as chargeback amounts for automotive fuel, will change. Given the increases in fuel costs, maintenance, and upkeep of our fleet vehicles, these changes are necessary.

The new rental rates for College fleet vehicles will be as follows:

Lumina -- $36/day
Impala -- $36/day
Venture van -- $36/day
Astro van -- $36/day
15-passenger van -- $55/day
For billing purposes, a day will be one continuous 24-hour period beginning with the time that the vehicle is reserved to be picked up. If the vehicle is returned after the 24-hour period, there will be a $6 per hour charge for up to six hours. For six hours or more, it will be another full day's charge.

When vehicles are returned outside the regular garage hours of 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Monday-Friday, the keys are to be returned to the public safety dispatcher, who will record the date and time the vehicle is returned.

The volatility of the fuel market prevents us from providing a guaranteed, set price per gallon that we charge back to departments. We receive weekly price information from our fuel supplier and will charge departments that rate for the week in which the car is being rented.

If you have any questions please call Physical Plant at 4-3761.

Contributed by Rick Couture