Defensive Driving Course


Contributed by Rebecca TenEyck

The Office of Alumni Relations, in conjunction with Liberty Mutual Insurance, is sponsoring a defensive driving course to members of the Ithaca College community.

Benefits of attending this course:

WHEN: Saturday, November 1, 2003
WHERE: North Meeting Room, Phillips Hall (Campus Center)
TIME: 9:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
COST: $19 per person (normal fee is $30-$40/person)
MISC: Course includes a morning and afternoon break and a half-hour lunch break. Coffee and bagels will be provided in the morning. You will need to provide your own lunch (the snack bar will be open).

Space is limited. You must preregister by Wednesday, October 29. To register for the defensive driving course go online to Event Management or call the Office of Alumni Relations at 274-3194.

For more information about Liberty Mutual contact Anthony M. Mancuso, Liberty Mutual personal sales, Cicero, N.Y., 315-699-3090

Contributed by Becky TenEyck