Colluquia on Creativity and Efficiency


Contributed by Susanne Morgan

Katharine Kittredge shares her creative experience with student-centered learning; Susanne Morgan shares her strategies for efficient student-centered grading in the two Faculty Development Colloquia this week. Details can be found below and at the Center for Faculty Excellence:

  • Tuesday, October 21, 12:10-1:00 pm. Clark Lounge, Campus Center.
    "DIY SciFi: Student-Centered Learning as a Six-Ring Circus" -- Katharine Kittredge, associate professor in English.
    In spring 2003 Katharine Kittredge taught an experimental class that required students to 1) set their own curricula, 2) pursue in-depth study in small student-led groups, and 3) convey their expertise to the larger class in an interactive class session integrating assigned readings, discussion, and active learning exercises.

  • Thursday, October 23, 12:10-1:00 Gannett 319 (library computer classroom: no food!).
    "Automate Your Grading" -- Susanne Morgan, associate professor in sociology.
    Susanne has developed ways to provide better feedback on student papers with less work and no hand-writing, using options in Microsoft Word. Consistent with the principles of effective assessment, she will provide theory and strategies to meet our objectives more effectively.

  • Contributed by Susanne Morgan