Ithaca College will host a conference on the use of technology in the humanities May 24-26, 2004. We are actively soliciting proposals for individual papers and conference sessions on any topic concerning the theory and application of technology in a humanities educational context.
The conference will be open to a regional and national audience, but a strong Ithaca College presence would be welcome.
Procedure for internal proposals:
We invite both paper and session proposals that address the topic of technology in the humanities to be submitted no later than December 15, 2003. Proposals should be no more than 250 words in length. Individual presentations should be limited to no more than 30 minutes. Session proposals may be 60 or 75 minutes in length and must include the names and vitae of all participating members.
We are also looking for interested individuals to facilitate roundtable discussion sessions on May 25. Please send an e-mail to indicate interest and what areas or topics you would be willing to host.
Proposals and inquiries may be sent via e-mail to or by mail to Conference on Technology in the Humanities, c/o Prof. Gary Wells, Conference Coordinator, Ithaca College, 1160 Gannett Center, Ithaca, NY 14850-7275.
Please direct colleagues from other institutions to the conference website for information about the conference and for the procedures for submitting an external paper proposal:
Conference on Technology in the Humanities.
Contributed by Gary Wells