Culture Clashes Yesterday and Today


Contributed by Susanne Morgan

France in 1968 and Queer Eye today are analyzed by scholars in this week's colloquia. Bring lunch; coffee, treats, and exhilarating discussion provided.

Tuesday, October 28, 12:10-1:00 p.m., Klingenstein Lounge, Campus Center
Jane Kaplan, Modern Languages and Literatures: "May '68, The Student/Worker Revolution in France through the Eyes of a First-hand Observer 35 Years Later."

Duck the hurled cobblestones, smell the tear gas, and snort at the pithy humor of the posters and graffiti as you watch the entire country shut down during the "events" (as they say) begun by students and ended by DeGaulle.
Thursday, October 30, 12:10-1:00 pm. Clark Lounge, Campus Center.
Rebecca Plante, Sociology, Guillermo Caliendo, Speech Communication, Evan Cooper, Sociology: "The Homogenization of Homo-Sex in Hollywood."
What is Queer Eye for the Straight Guy? Is it just a suddenly wildly popular TV show on Bravo featuring the "Fab Five," a team of clearly gay but ambiguously 'professional lifestyle consultants' who make over and take over a lifestyle-challenged heterosexual man? Or is it a cleverly-done spoof of gay masculinities, urban style, heterosexualities, and the confessional/advice culture of the late 20th century (and early 21st)? This talk includes a brief clip and discussion of these and other issues.
More information about these colloquia: Center for Faculty Excellence

Contributed by Susanne Morgan