Chemistry Club Visits Sciencenter


Contributed by Maria Russell

Student members of the Ithaca College Chemistry Club performed chemistry demonstrations as part of the "Spooky Science" program for kids held at the Sciencenter in downtown Ithaca on the evening of October 30.

Demonstrations included a ghost in a bottle, exploding ethanol, glow-in-the-dark solutions, foaming pumpkins, graveyard mist bubbles, balloon shrinking with liquid nitrogen, and a magic potion that changes color. The two chemistry shows reached a combined audience of over 200 and was received with great enthusiasm.

Ithaca College participants included Rachel Blasiak, Seth Carmody, Kristina Hugar, Ryan King, Kenneth Lassen, Susan Meyer, Chris Roessler, Michael Salvaggio, Michael Sangi, Erica Schelsinger, Apryle Seeley, Matthew Sprague, Nickeisha Stephenson, Lyndsay Wormuth, and faculty adviser to the Chem Club, Michael Haaf.

Contributed by Michael Haaf