Faculty Fellow Workshop and Lecture Series


Contributed by Mel Ginsberg-Stevens

The Center for the Study of Culture, Race, and Ethnicity (CSCRE) presents the Fall 2003 Faculty Fellow Workshop and Lecture Series "Identities, Communities, and Cultures." This series of events will feature Wesley Brown, noted author and professor of English at Rutgers University.

Wesley Brown is the author of three novels: Tragic Magic, Darktown Strutters, and the forthcoming Push Comes to Shove. He has written three plays: Boogie Woogie and Booker T., Life During Wartime, and A Prophet Among Them. He has coedited the multicultural anthologies Imagining America: Stories from the Promised Land and Visions of America: Personal Narratives from the Promised Land, and edited the Teachers and Writers Guide to Frederick Douglass. Brown wrote the narration for one of the sections of the PBS documentary W.E.B. Dubois: A Biography in Four Voices. He is a professor of English at Rutgers University.

For more information please call 4-1056 or e-mail Mel Ginsberg.

Contributed by Mel Ginsberg

