Only a few days left! Donation bins will be available until Friday, December 5, with the last collection being made at 3:00 p.m. on Friday.
Bins for this campus campaign to collect used clothing are in place in the Campus Center lobby, Muller Center, Center for Health Sciences, the Student Activities Center, Park lobby, the Music School, laundry rooms in the Terraces, Towers, Gardens, and Circles, and in TV lounges in the Quads and Emerson.
Share the Warmth is a local program sponsored by the Ithaca Rotary Club. The goal of the campaign is to collect warm clothing that can be distributed to those in need before the really cold weather sets in. Although the focus of the campaign is on coats, gloves, hats, and all winter wear, any clothing will be accepted. Please donate!
For more information contact the Community Service Program at or 274-1380.
Contributed by Christine Pogorzala