Holiday Pay Schedule


Contributed by Nancy Gould

The final pay date for 2003 for biweekly employees is Friday, December 19, and for semi-monthly employees it is Wednesday, December 31.

The December 19 biweekly checks and advices will be available for pickup on Friday, December 19, using the normal distribution procedures. This is the normal payday.

The December 31 semimonthly checks will be available for pickup on Tuesday, December 23, using the normal distribution procedures. Please be aware that these checks cannot be cashed and will not be negotiable until Wednesday, December 31. The money for direct deposits will not be available until Wednesday, December 31.

The January 2 biweekly checks and advices will be available for pickup on Tuesday, December 23, using the normal distribution procedures. Please be aware that these checks cannot be cashed and will not be negotiable until Friday, January 2. The money for direct deposits will not be available until Friday, January 2.

We are distributing these checks and advices early for your convenience and we appreciate your cooperation in following these special procedures. If you have any questions, please call the payroll office at 274-1481, 274-3133, or 274-3874.

Please remind your student workers to leave a self-addressed, stamped envelope with your department so their check or advice may be mailed if they will not be on campus.

Thank you for your cooperation. Best wishes for a safe and happy holiday season.

Contributed by Nancy Gould