Classroom Videotaping Services Limited


Contributed by Michelle Hammond

To all faculty using videotaping services:

For the past three years, ITS Classroom Technology Support has accepted appointments for classroom videotaping service based on student availability. The demand for this service has grown tenfold -- far exceeding our expectations -- and has begun to erode our primary mission, which is technical classroom assistance and repair.

Historically, videotaping in the classrooms has been self-service. We regret to inform you that we must return to this model.

CTS will provide the videotaping equipment but can no longer provide the labor. We will also respond if you have difficulty with the equipment. VHS cameras and tripods will be available for short-term loan on a first-come, first-serve basis in our Textor 104 operations office. Our office hours are 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. We are available by phone at 4-1443 from 7:30 a.m. until 9:35 p.m.

We are sorry for any inconvenience this decision may cause. All our regularly offered services are still available. Please don't hesitate to call if you need our technical assistance in the classroom.

CTS employees enjoy serving your needs. Thank you for the cards, letters, and gifts of appreciation.

William T. Crisp
ITS Classroom Technology Support Coordinator

Contributed by Will Crisp