Recycling Resolution for 2004


Contributed by Mark Darling

A great resolution for the New Year is "Remember to recycle." Here's how you can recycle in your Ithaca College office:

We can accept all office paper, copier paper, computer paper, newspaper, colored paper, brochures, junk mail, magazines, envelopes, file folders, envelopes, paperback books, notebook paper, exam books, phone books, directories, catalogs, pamphlets, and paper board. Put paper to be recycled in the recycle bin in your office. If you are purging files, please contact us and we will provide a larger bin for the duration of the clean out, x4-1777.

Laser and Ink Jet Cartridges:
Most of the toner and ink cartridges used in printers and copiers on campus can be recycled. Use the convenient mailers located in department offices, all ACCS computer labs, or the ACCS Help Desk. Large cartridges should be sent via campus mail in the packaging the new one came in to "Recycling/Warehouse."

We collect for recycling: all colors of glass bottles and jars, all types of metal cans, drink boxes, and milk cartons. We can only accept plastic bottles and jugs with the top smaller than the bottom, look for a #1 (PET) or #2(HDPE) on the bottom. Please put these in the bins located in the common areas near your office.

Floppy Disks and CDs:
Send those unwanted, worn out, used up, or ruined 3.5 floppies and CDs to "Recycling/ Warehouse."

Rechargeable Batteries:
We accept only rechargeable batteries for recycling. Please contact Tim Ryan at Life Safety to arrange for collection, x4-1613. Single use, non-rechargeable alkaline batteries should be disposed of with trash.

Confidential Material:
There are several ways to dispose of material considered to be confidential. It is best to shred this material in your office. Shredding allows us to include this material with our regular paper for which we get paid. We must pay for the services of an outside contractor to handle the disposal of large batches of confidential materials. If your area generates large quantities of confidential material, please consider purchasing an appropriate shredder. If you occasionally need to dispose of large quantities of confidential material, contact Recycling Information Line, x4-1777.

Contributed by Mark Darling