Interdisciplinary Student Teams Sought for EPA Sustainability Contest


Contributed by Marian Brown

The Office of the Provost is seeking interdisciplinary student teams and faculty advisers interested in representing Ithaca College in team competition for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's "P3 Award: A National Student Design Competition for Sustainability focusing on People, Prosperity, and the Planet."

All those interested in learning more about this national competition are invited to attend an informational meeting from noon to 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 27, in Emerson Suite C in the Campus Center. Please notify Marian Brown (274-3787) in advance of your interest and your intent to attend so sufficient materials are prepared.

The P3 Award program is a partnership between the public and private sectors to progress toward sustainability by achieving the mutual goals of economic prosperity, protection of the natural systems of the planet, and providing a higher quality of life for its people. The EPA's announcement for this competition further explains:

Sustainability in both the developed and developing world requires scientific and technical innovation to create designs that enable the earth and its inhabitants to prosper. EPA and its affiliates are conducting the competition for the P3 Award to demonstrate to the nation and the world the possibilities of innovative, inherently benign, integrated, interdisciplinary designs to simultaneously benefit people, prosperity, and the planet.
EPA's announcement addresses the first phase of the competition: requesting innovative design proposals to obtain support to compete for the P3 Award. In Phase I, EPA will award up to $10,000 per grant to approximately 50 student design projects from around the country during the 2004-2005 academic year for research and development of their sustainable design. This Phase I competition is designed to provide flexibility for creativity, allowing the interdisciplinary teams of students to: (1) define a technical challenge to sustainability; (2) discuss the relationship of the challenge to people, prosperity, and the planet; and (3) develop a design approach to address the challenge.

Applications for Phase I of the P3 Award Competition must be received by March 25, 2004.

Phase II of the competition will occur in spring 2005 when select Phase I teams will be invited to submit their completed designs to compete for the award. It will be given to the winners of a national, intercollegiate design competition among interdisciplinary student teams for the research, development, and design solutions to the scientific and technical challenges of sustainability.

Find more information at:
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency P3 Award

Contributed by Marian Brown