Please join us for the Second Annual Family Carnival on February 13, 2004, from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in the Fitness Center Gyms. Bring your family, friends, and neighbors to shake off some of those winter blues.
Admission is $3.00 with student ID, $4.00 general, and $15.00 for a family of four or more. We will have inflatable rides, carnival games, and entertainment. We'll also have $1.00 hot dogs, $1.50 hamburgers, and $.50 for chips and soda.
All proceeds will benefit The Children's Miracle Network. This event is sponsored by the Community Service Program.
Please feel free to call me at 274-1687 with questions or if you are interested in volunteering.
Thank you and hope to see you there!
Kim Wojtanik
Contributed by Kim Wojtanik