Weight Watcher Signup Extended One Week


Contributed by Anne Woodard

Due to the snowstorm on February 3, the last meeting of the current Weight Watchers session was rescheduled for the next week. As a result, the new Weight Watcher session will now begin on Tuesday, February 17.

The new date will allow one more week for registrations. So, if you have been on the fence about joining, you are not too late! Contact Anne Woodard by e-mail or at 274-3811 for details.

Meetings are Tuesdays from noon to 1:00 p.m. in the Suzuki Room, third floor of Whalen Center. The new session will run for 16 weeks, February 17-June 8. Cost is a low $159, payable in one or two installments. Hope you will join us!

Contributed by Anne Woodard

