Members of the IC campus community are invited to submit proposals for the next round of review for the New Initiatives Fund. The Ithaca College Board of Trustees approved the establishment of this special three-year New Initiatives Fund in 2002.
The fund supports initiatives from faculty, staff, and students that:
Proposals that include or address more than one division/department/school, or demonstrate collaboration across campus constituencies and/or between the College and the broader community are particularly encouraged.advance some dimension of the institutional plan, and/or
creatively address some dimension of quality improvement, and/or
demonstrate the potential to generate new revenue on an ongoing basis after a year or two of "seed funding."
The following proposals were approved for funding in the second round:Community Unity Multicultural Music and Arts Program
Journal of Ethnic Studies
Publishing curriculum materials and establishing an annual summer conference on media literacy and education
Outdoor adventure for new students
Conference on Integrating Technology into Teaching of Humanities
Invisible Histories Initiative: Native American and African American History/Storytelling in Ithaca
Investing in People: Developing all of America's Talent in Sport Management
Proposal forms are now available in the Office of the President and should be submitted by March 15, 2004, for consideration.College-wide Faculty/Student/Staff Climate Survey
NCBI Diversity and Equity Training
Northeast Training Center for Senior Athletes
Sculptural Material Support for Artist in Residence
Academic Advisement and Achievement Website
Campus Commissionary Review
Academic Advisement and Achievement Site Visits