HSHP Names New Assistant Dean


Contributed by Steve Siconolfi

HSHP has a new assistant dean. Dr. Janet Wigglesworth has accepted the position of Assistant Dean of Graduate and Clinical Services in the School of Health Sciences and Human Performance. She will start her new role on March 1, 2004.

Wigglesworth, who was selected from a pool of national candidates, has been an IC faculty member since 1995 with joint appointments in the departments of Exercise and Sport Sciences, and Health Promotion and Human Movement. She recently has served in both assistant and associate dean positions in HSHP.

Since August, Wigglesworth has been developing the new Office of Experiential Learning in HSHP. This office will help streamline the administration of a variety of student experiences on and off the campus.

Dean Siconolfi and Associate Dean Patricia E. Green are very pleased to have Janet join the HSHP dean team. "This completes the re-organization of the school that started with my hiring about 18 months ago," Siconolfi said.

Look into the future and you will be seeing a new HS&HP. The school's vision is to "… be recognized as a preeminent school in health sciences and human performance for our innovative, interdisciplinary, and multicultural programs of teaching, scholarship, and outreach that continues to have a positive impact on local and global communities."

Related Link:

  • The School of Health Sciences and Human Performance

    Contributed by Steven Siconolfi

