Forum on Proposed Renovations to the Food Court Seating Area


Contributed by David Prunty

The Office of Construction Planning and Design, the Division of Student Affairs and Campus Life, and the Senior Class Gift Committee invite all community members to an open forum on proposed renovations to the Food Court seating area for the summer of 2004.

Please join us for a presentation by Wolniak and Associates, architects from Syracuse, regarding possible changes and improvements to the area. Ideas and design boards to be shared and discussed include:

  • New furniture/seating to increase capacity and comfort
  • New carpeting and painting throughout the area
  • The removal or relocation of Room 110 (the faculty/staff dining room) to increase seating and natural light
  • The 2004 senior class gift to Ithaca College of displayed memorabilia from across the decades
  • New lighting and ceiling fixtures
  • Total renovation of the area to enhance the student, faculty, and staff experience
  • Please join us for one of the two following times:
    Monday, March, 1, noon-1:00 p.m. in the Klingenstein Lounge
    Monday, March 1, 4:00-5:00 p.m. in the Clark Lounge
    Questions and comments will be welcome.

    Contributed by David Prunty