"Culture Link," a two-day celebration of multicultural music sponsored by the Ithaca College School of Music, will take place on Friday and Saturday, February 27 and 28, in the third-floor auditorium at the Community School of Music and Arts in Ithaca.
The festival includes performances by a steel drum band, a klezmer ensemble, African drummers, Irish percussionists, and various choirs. Jeremy Schlegel, a junior in the School of Music, organized the festival.
All events are free and open to the public. The CSMA is located at 330 E. State St.
The complete schedule:
Friday, February 27
Saturday, February 285:00 p.m. -- Performance by the Ithaca Children's Chorus Choraliers, directed by Verna Brummett, associate professor of music education
6:00 p.m. -- "Egyptian Music and Culture," a lecture by Verna Brummett, associate professor of music education
7:00 p.m. -- African drumming workshop presented by Bernard Woma, one of Ghana's foremost musicians, with a performance to follow
8:15 p.m. -- Concert by the Ithaca College Klezmer Ensemble, the Ithaca College Steel Drum Band, and the multicultural choir Voices, under the direction of College faculty members Peter Rothbart and Baruch Whitehead
For more information about the festival, e-mail Jeremy Schlegel at IthacaMus@aol.com. For more information on the 300 yearly concerts offered by the School of Music concerts, call (607) 274-3717 or visit www.ithaca.edu/concerts.4:30 p.m. -- Concert by the Djembe Ensemble, directed by Baruch Whitehead, assistant professor of music education
5:15 p.m. -- Workshop and performance of traditional Irish music and culture presented by percussionist and School of Music graduate Laura Bilodeau, with a performance to follow
6:15 p.m. -- "Building Bridges through Multicultural Music," a lecture by Janet Galván, professor of music education
7:00 p.m. -- Closing concert by the Ithaca Children's Choir and Ithaca College Chorus, conducted by Janet Galván, professor of music education