Do you love little kids? Who doesn't! How would you like to make a difference in a child's life? Big Brothers-Big Sisters of Ithaca and Tompkins County accomplishes that mission everyday. Now Ithaca College aims to help by starting its very own Big Brothers-Big Sisters club, called Ithaca Bigs.
Faculty and staff are encouraged to invite students to join Ithaca Bigs and be a part of this exciting, new organization. The student members plan to work closely with the local Big Brothers-Big Sisters program, as well as the Ithaca Youth Bureau, through such activities as working with students currently serving as "Bigs," fund-raising, and volunteering at the program's Saturday events and in area schools.
The club's first recruitment meeting will be Wednesday, March 3, at 7:00 p.m. in Williams 323. Invite students and come yourself to get more information on how to get in on the fun! Information may also be obtained by e-mailing Ithaca Bigs.
Contributed by J.R. Clairborne