SIS System Vendor Presentations


Contributed by Andrejs Ozolins

The project to modernize the student information system (SIS) is proceeding with a series of demonstrations by prospective vendors.

Schedule of Presentations
For each vendor's presentation, there is a two-day agenda giving a description of the subject matter of each module and a suggestion of who may be interested in attending. These demonstrations are open meetings -- please come if your schedule permits.

1. PeopleSoft
2. Oracle
3. Datatel
4. Sunguard SCT

March 3, 4 (Wednesday, Thursday)
March 16, 17 (Tuesday, Wednesday)
March 31, April 1 (Wednesday, Thursday)
April 5, 6 (Monday, Tuesday)

For more information about the SIS system selection process, see the previous Intercom article, "SIS Project Update: Vendor Presentations Scheduled."

Contributed by Tom Torello