Employee Self-Service User's Guide


Contributed by Bonnie Griffin

Human Resources Information announces the release of an online Employee Self-Service (ESS) user's guide.

The ESS user's guide will supplement the training materials that have been available on the web since the spring of 2002. The guide is a user-friendly, step-by-step walk through the various capabilities that Employee Self-Service offers.

The goal for Employee Self-Service is to enable IC employees to view or to make adjustments as needed to basic employment and payroll information. The guide is a set of easily accessible instructions on how to:


The user's guide is located on the Parnassus tab, just below the logon window of the ACE page in the HR/payroll support documents area. The original computer-based tutorials present a more graphical navigational approach to ESS. Those tutorials remain available under the support and training tab for Parnassus at the ACE page.


Contributed by Human Resource Information

